This 1 hour spiritual guidance is an ask and answer sessions. It is a great tool for exploring and opening your own spiritual gifts, understanding your gifts, understanding your spiritual journey, or simply just a check in to see how energy is moving. This DOES NOT take the place of any reading. You send me your questions or concerns, about a dream, vision, messages, etc and I will get back to you as soon as I can and answer your question, or schedule a chat session. I can do this through email, my chat program on my website, facebook messenger, or instagram messenger. It will benefit you on your spiritual journey as it is a great follow up to any reading, meditation, spiritual work or when you are having a bad energy day. RULES * It can not be used as a Reading * It does not expire, until you use your 60 minutes * I calculate the minutes by how long it take me to read and answer your questions.
This 1.5 hour spiritual guidance is an ask and answer sessions. It is a great tool for exploring and opening your own spiritual gifts, understanding your gifts, understanding your spiritual journey, or simply just a check in to see how energy is moving. This DOES NOT take the place of any reading. You send me your questions or concerns, about a dream, vision, messages, etc and I will get back to you as soon as I can and answer your question, or schedule a chat session. I can do this through email, my chat program on my website, facebook messenger, or instagram messenger. It will benefit you on your spiritual journey as it is a great follow up to any reading, meditation, spiritual work or when you are having a bad energy day. RULES * It can not be used as a Reading * It does not expire, until you use your 60 minutes * I calculate the minutes by how long it take me to read and answer your questions.
"Lovers don't finally meet somewhere. They're in each other all along" ~rumi A twin soul, twin flame can be confusing as they can share many similarities with a soul mate. Twin flames, are often called twin souls and twin rays. Twin flames are often referred to as being the other half of one's own soul. This does not mean that each twin is only half of a soul on earth, for each individual soul is already whole. It is believed to be 'one soul' that was split into two souls, as the two individual souls were once one. For this Email reading, Please provide the Name and Date of Birth for both parties, and question. Turn around time is within 2 Days.